Monday, January 11, 2010

Making It All About You - Me Time

If you are a wife, mother, employee or the friend that everyone goes to for guidance, wearing all of those "hats" can be daunting.  Caring for everyone else puts some real wear and tear on your emotions and on your body.

Many times we neglect to steal away time to ourselves.  Consequently, all of the running and doing for everyone else leads you to burn out.  Burnout of your body and more specifically your immune system which can result in acne breakouts, skin blotches and other health issues.  Who wants that?

Taking regular time ("Me time") to disconnect from all of your responsibilities is important.  Last week I shared a post with you about "Pampering Being Under Rated."  The same can be said for your "Me Time."

Here are some tips to get your "Me Time" in:

* Depending on your lifestyle, put the kids to bed early one evening per week, send the kids to a relatives or friends for a couple of hours and  turn off the phone.  If you don't have children, just come home early and shut off the phone.  Then take a long hot bath with silence "playing" in the background.  Light some candles to make the setting even more serene.

* First thing in the monring on a day off (for me it's Saturdays), before everyone in the house wakes up, take some time to pray, specifically reflecting on your week.

* Check into a local residence type hotel one weekend.  Here you have ultimate peace and quiet.  You can bring your groceries with you along with some good reading materials.  This is a great thing to do at least twice a year if you are on a tight budget and you can even use this time to do a weekend detox.
Need some assistance with your beauty routines? Michelle Howard is a down to earth resource for natural beauty information.  She's helped many women to improve their outer appearance with her 4 season approach to skin care.

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