A couple of weeks back I received my regularly shipped "Sneak Peek" products and boy was this a shipment. I received and have since used (and have my opinion.....shocker) about Herbal Essences New Tousle Me Softly Collection which consists of Shampoo, Conditioner, Mousse, Spray Gel, Flexible Hold Hairspray and Finishing Touch Cream. The packaging is very attracting, bold beautiful purple colored bottles. Prices are average for hair care products ranging from
The entire line is formulated with a fusion of wild violet & pomegranate. Here's more of what the products
claim to do:
- Give touchable tousles from wet to set
- Set your style and hold hair in place
- Protect hair from heat
- Cleanse hair without stripping essential oils
Now My 411:
First of all, the wild violet and pomegranate smells artificial in the Mousse, Spray Gel and Holding spray. That was a bit of a turn off as I am expecting some sort of mini-aromatherapeutic experience. NOT.
Second, Herbal Essences boasts that these products are for all hair types. Sure if the entire world were Caucasian or any other race other than African American. My hair felt stripped so I was not too pleased by that. The sad part is I have all natural hair with no chemical relaxer or perms so I expected better results with a product that boasts almost mistake-proof results.
The shampoo tangled my hair so badly I had to add WEN by Chaz Dean to help detangle. The conditioner did nothing special and was not any different than other store brand shampoos. As a matter of fact, Garnier Fructis gave better results.
The mousse was nothing special either (I'm still waiting to see when I'm going to get the so called "Tousled" look)
The only two products that were somewhat useful for me were the Spray Gel and Finishing Cream and that's because they gave me a stiff enough hold to lay my edges down when I pulled my hair back. My daughter is also using the finishing cream to give herself a neater ponytail.
The theory behind these products (layering them for soft tousles that beg to be touched) is grossly overstated. Perhaps a different hair texture may fair better with these products. I definitely don't recommend them to those of African decent.
Lastly, I've always wondered why Herbal Essences is called just that when their products are not very herbal at all...ok maybe 20%. The majority of the ingredients can't even be pronounced.
Usability: Fair
Likability: Fair
Staying Power: Fair
Overall rating out of 10: A 3 - reppin' black people with a tighter curl pattern. Everyone else....you may have to try it for yourself. I was not impressed at all.
Michelle has an avid interest in beauty products, natural skin care and offering her very opinionated opinion! s
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